Thursday, March 24, 2011

Still Here....

So, now it has been 2 weeks since I posted....hmmm...sometimes life happens!

As of last Tuesday, I have been on GAPS for 3 weeks and my weight.....

DOWN 10 pounds!!! WooHoo!!

I am loving this new way of eating...

Don't know if it is my imagination or what, but the food just tastes AMAZING!

On Sunday, I made Banana Caramel Sticky Buns from the Internal Bliss cookbook....DELICIOUS!!!

Also, made the GAPS Granola..It is FANTASTIC! (even though there is a slight taste of burnt so I can NOT wait until I make another batch) I think I am going to soak the nuts tonight....I just can't believe there are no grains in it...

My husband has been enjoying this also. One thing he said is that the indigestion and heartburn he had frequently is GONE!!! He even ate a banana the other day, and NO PROBLEMS!! These have always caused heartburn in the past!!

I am so proud of him, as he was out of town this week and has not had any Pepsi! and he is eating as healthy as he can while traveling...

He has noticed an increase in energy too!

A funny thing, he called me and had went to Subway. He had been craving a sub about 2 weeks ago, but didn't get one then and figured he would get one while out of town. He called me and said, "I have been eating good for too long" and I said "What do you mean?" He said, "I got my sub, and it didn't even taste good!!" LOL!

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